
Discord Rules

  • 1. Refrain from using languages other than English.
  • 2. Refrain from discussing any politically charged or inflammatory topics.
  • 3. Zero tolerance policy for objectionable content.
  • 4. Nicknames must be able to be mentioned easily.
  • 5. Spamming, toxicity or aggressive behavior will not be tolerated.
  • 6. Advertising of any kind outside the guidelines will not be tolerated.
  • 7. Alternate accounts are prohibited. Ban/Mute evasion will have all accounts permanently banned.
  • 8. Be mindful of channels and their purpose; read the channel descriptions and take notice.
  • 9. Do not mention Community Moderators and/or Admins unless there is an emergency requiring immediate action.
  • 10. Impersonation of other users, bots, or public figures is prohibited.
  • 11. Lastly, Community Admins decisions are final and are not to be argued with.
  • 12. Follow Discord guidelines. https://discord.com/guidelines

Server Rules

  • 1. No racism, hate speech or sexual harassment
  • 2. Must own a legitimate copy of GTA V
  • 3. Must be 18+ to play, per the M rating of GTA V
  • 4. Must have a working microphone, push-to-talk only
  • 5. Metagaming: No using information in-game from outside the server such as streams or discord.
  • 6. Power Gaming: No roleplaying via mechanics that do not exist in the server.
  • 7. Green Zones: No kidnapping, robbing, camping or using weapon in these zones. Current zones: Hospitals.
  • 8. RDM (random deathmatch): No attacking or engaging in combat with another player without proper initiation.
  • 9. VDM (vehicle deathmatch): No using a vehicle to attempt to or kill another player.
  • 10. Combat Logging: No quitting the game mid-scene in the server to avoid a punishment or outcome that would not favor you.
  • 11. Fail RP: Make sure you keep the quality of your RP high always. For example if you get shot, RP your injuries. No talking outside of the realm of your character.
  • 12. Exploiting: No abusing game mechanics for your own personal gain. For example, duplicating items or using emotes to go through doors. Report all exploits!
  • 13. NVL (not valuing life): In-game you are roleplaying an actual person so treat it as you would IRL such as valuing your life in dire situations to prevent dying.
  • 14. OOC (out of character): Any conversations you have in the server should pertain only to the circumstances of the server, nothing from your IRL life.
  • 15. NLR (new life rule): After your character is killed (flat backed), you are not able to remember the actions leading up to it and cannot act on those actions even if told.
  • 16. Camping: You are not able to camp a dead body from a scenario in order to prevent emergency services from retrieving it.
  • 17. Suicide RP -Torture/Sexual Assault: NOT ALLOWED.
  • 18. Hostages: Any hostages used cannot be affiliated with you, your group, gang, etc. This should be a random stranger on the street. EMS cannot be taken hostage.
  • 19. Corruption: All players that are employed as Police or EMS are not allowed to be corrupt (for now), if you have a scene you would like to act out for this please make a ticket.
  • 20. Robberies: You must have a valid reason to rob someone.
  • 21. Body Dumping: Must have Valid reason to body dump a player.
  • 22. Real world currency: You are not allowed to gain something in the server via purchasing it with IRL money from another player.

Last updated: 6/29/2024